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Growing Up With The City

Hey, it's been a long time since I posted anything new. Yeah you know I am lazy! But there is one Positive point of being lazy. You get to think about yourself or anyone or anything and sometimes you find out the weirdest of memories.

So, today I am not going to show anything new, rather I'll be walking you through the golden time of your life and you can find the real thrill if you are from a similar city as I am from.

So do you remember the city 10 years back? I don't recall much because that was the time when my mind and soul were focused on the only thing, that is the clock! Yes, I used to wait eagerly each day for the clock to hit 4 o'clock in the afternoon! And then, the only place one could find me is nowhere! Sometimes I was seen at the playground, and other times at a treetop, and yet other times below the thatch of somebody's house playing hide and seek!

Do you remember how we patiently as well as restlessly we waited for our playtime as if it was the only time in the whole 24 hours that we were allowed to breathe? Well, that was quite a memory! And let me bring another sweet of a thing...Do you remember how we used to wait after lunch? We were somehow thrashed to bed for nice afternoon sleep just after lunch... but those tender hearts and it's fickle desires never let it get done, instead, we waited...lying flat...closing eyes...pretending to be asleep. And as soon as the time came, silently...very cautiously...coming out of our beds so that we do not wake up our parents, and go for the playground!

By any means, do you remember the fear once we had while learning to ride bicycles? That was hilarious! Hands trembling and praying that you don't fall! And at times when my reflex was not so strong, I used to collide frequently...that feeling was unique! In my mind, I'm planning to pull the brakes but before doing it in person the collision used to take place.

Those times of life cannot be explained if I do not bring about cartoons! Back then we did not have Netflix, prime or any web, all we had was Pogo, Disney, Disney and the best of all the Cartoon Network! Do you remember those lively characters like Doraemon, Nobita, shin-chan, Oswald(the octopus), Beannie, Noddy Scooby haddi, Riche Rich, the Thomas (the train that used to talk), Horrid Henry, Haddi Mera buddy, Oggy, Bheem and the all-time best Tom and Jerry? And the comedians were Charlie Chaplin and Mr Bean! Now that I think we were really blessed enough to have these legendary supporters in our childhood.

Those were a few of my very personal experience and now let's have a quick recap of the city. So do you remember guys How desperate we were to go out in the market with our parents? You have to agree that no matter where we went our eyes used to stay stuck at some unknown dream toys hanging outside a random toy shop. Pleading and buying a toffee or a packet of chips was something that gave thrills back then. Can you deny those seven days of Rath Yatra Mela were no less than a joy like winning a lottery? and then how can one forget Durga Puja after all? "How many sets of dresses you got?" used to be the first question that each one of us asked the other and followed by "How many pandals did you see?" Getting one set of a dress more than our peers were like winning the world cup!

Those days were heavenly and those were even more pumped up by the thrills of playing football in a muddy ground full of muddy, just after the rain stopped, do you remember?

There are thousands and thousands of memories and details to share with but it is also true that we must save a few of them for us and US only. A few memories that bring up a faint tint of a smile at the corner of your lips.

Growing up is such a process that one cannot deny it's enigma. But we the kids of my hometown saw a bit more... along with us, the city grew too. We witnessed the changing of a suburb into a city. We saw the growing traffic and growing population. We saw how gradually our very own city of childhood gained its maturity and became so change that it feels almost unknown. Have you ever ran your eyes across the city...not looking at anything particular and felt like... 'This is not the city where I grew, I grew up in a juvenile city named Chakdaha.'

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